Apple Growing

Apple is a type of fruit that has been cultivated in our country for many years and is one of the other temperate fruits in terms of production and area. North Anatolia, the Black Sea Coastal Region and the passage regions between the Central Anatolia and Eastern Anatolia plateaus and the Lakes Region in the South in recent years constitute important cultivation areas of apple. World apple production has reached 75 million tons in recent years. The country that produces the most apples in the world is China with approximately 30 million tons. Then comes the US and Turkey. Turkey's share in world apple production is around 3-4%.
Climate Requirements: Apple is a fruit of cold-temperate climate. It is generally grown in latitudes of 30 ° -50 ° in the world. 500 meters from the Aegean region of Turkey, places more than 800 meters above the Mediterranean and Southeast Anatolia region is suitable for cultivation in hot and dry place. High light intensity is necessary for color formation in apples. The apple tree is resistant to harsh winters with low temperatures. During winter dormancy, wood parts withstand -35 ° C to –40 ° C, bloomed flowers to –2.2 ° C to –2.3 ° C, and small fruits to –1.1 ° C to –2.2 ° C.
Apple is the type of fruit that needs winter rest the most. In order to meet the cooling needs of the apples in the trials, it must remain below + 7.2 ° C for 2300-3500 hours depending on the variety. As a result of insufficient cooling, some of the flowers die, and the opening of the remaining flowers is both later and irregular than normal. Thus, late blooming flowers are shed due to insufficient fertilization. On apple trees that have not been able to cool down, the leaf eyes do not spread and the tree remains bare. Apple does not like the high summer heat either. When the temperature rises above 40 ° C, growth stops, and at higher temperatures, damage begins to occur.
Soil Demand: Apple generally gives successful results in many soil types. The structure of the subsoil in the place where the garden will be established is more important than the type and quality of the soil surface. The subsoil should be drained in such a way that the plant roots will never remain in the water and it will facilitate the spread of the roots. A hard and water-holding subsoil prevents development, negatively affects the growth and life of the tree, and a very open and very permeable subsoil is undesirable because it will not hold any water.
Soils suitable for apple growing; Loamy, loamy sandy and sandy loam permeable, moist soils with sufficient lime and humus. Yellowness is observed in the plant due to the inhibition of iron intake in very calcareous soils. Soils with a slightly acid character (pH = 6.0-6.5) with a soil depth of 2 m or more are preferred for apples. Before the apple orchard is established, soil analysis should be done; Garden should not be established in places with lime and salt problems, on lands with high ground water level and low soil thickness.
Two types of rootstocks are used in apple sapling production. It grows onto rootstocks obtained from seed; Vegetatively produced rootstocks are also called clonal rootstocks. The seeds used in rootstock production are taken from wild or cultivated varieties. Decay rootstocks produce tall trees and show a long period of juvenile infertility. Therefore, varieties grafted on seed rootstock tend to bear late fruit. Although it varies according to the planting distances, 15-25 apple saplings are planted per decare.
Vegetatively grown apple clonal rootstocks range from very stunted to very strong. These rootstocks are propagated by the modified stoolbed layering method, which is a combination of hill dipping and trench dipping. It is an advantage to know the growth strength of vegetative rootstocks and their resistance to some diseases and pests beforehand. Vegetative rootstocks are classified according to their growth force as follows:
Very Squat: M27, M9
Squat: M26
Semi Dwarf: MM106
Strong: MM111
Very Strong: MM109, Decay
Among these rootstocks, the most widely used in our country today are M 9 and MM 106.
M9: It is the most widely used rootstock among dwarf rootstocks in the world. This rootstock develops approximately 35-40% compared to the seedling rootstock. It does not give good results in water-holding ground lands. They grow better in fertile soils. They need support throughout their life from planting. After planting, they begin to bear fruit the following year. In the gardens, the trees are shaped and pruned according to the thin spindle shape finishing system. Purpose of using this system; It is the acquisition of more products per unit area by covering the entire land with fruit branches and branches at an earlier age starting from the first years after planting. Trees created with varieties grafted on M 9 rootstocks remain in the garden for 15-20 years or even longer. In fertile soils, up to 60-70 kg of product can be taken per tree. The number of trees per decare is 170-200 in fertile soils. 6-8 tons of product can be obtained from the decare.
MM 106: It is the most preferred rootstock in the world and in our country today, and it is a suitable rootstock for both semi-dwarf (Spur type) rootstocks and especially strongly growing varieties. They form a very good root system and do not need to be supported by stakes.
It is a semi-dwarfing rootstock that likes very fertile loamy soils, has a root system that can hold well in the soil, and tends to start very late in the spring development period and defoliation. However, they do not work well in places with drainage problems. They form semi-dwarf trees, the grafted varieties bear fruit significantly in the 2-3rd year following planting. It is a suitable rootstock for both semi-dwarf and especially vigorous growing varieties. When vigorously growing varieties are grafted, different pinned branched (modified leader), semi-dwarf varieties are grafted, a pine-shaped training system (with one leader and many side branches) is recommended.
Apple Varieties
The number of apple varieties in the world, is being exceeded 6,500, the number in Turkey is finding 460. However, among them, the number of those that are high in terms of quality and yield and commercially grown is very small. With the crossbreeding breeding studies carried out abroad in recent years, very superior varieties in terms of quality and yield are obtained.
As the growth strength of both rootstock and variety used in apple cultivation decreases, in other words, as the tree becomes stunted, a step is taken towards intensive (dense planting) fruit growing. As more trees are used per unit area in intensive fruit growing, higher yield is obtained. Fruit orchards established from dwarf trees are harvested at an early age. Labor and the costs incurred are reduced, culture and treatments easier and better quality fruit production possible olur.türkiye Starking Delicious and Golden Delicious's Starkrimson with spin mutant Delicious and Starkspur Golden Delicious is cultivated widely. Spur type apples make maintenance work easier due to their development properties. It attracts a lot of attention from growers, especially because of their weak growth and early fruiting.
Apple varieties are divided into 3 groups according to their ripening time: summer, autumn and winter. Some of the features of intensively grown apple varieties are as follows:
Jerseymac: Trees are very strong and high yielding, fruits are wide and swollen; It is a summer variety with white and juicy fruit pulp. It is resistant to transportation. It ripens in mid-July. Red Delicious and Golden Delicious are pollinators.
William's Pride: Tree grows moderately vigorous. It is the best in terms of fruit quality and yield among summer varieties. Its fruit is medium in size, slightly sour, juicy, aromatic and crispy. Fruit color is dark red on yellow green ground. 2-3 of August. week is harvested. Its pollinators are Golden Delicious, Gala, Jerseymac and Granny Smith.
Gala: It is a mid-season variety. There are many types of mutants such as Mondial, Royal, Galaxy. Trees grow vigorously. The flesh is yellowish, juicy and firm. Continuous high amount of product is obtained, fruit quality increases with dilution. It is harvested in the 4th week of August. It is not stored for very long. Its pollinators are Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Jerseymac.
Red Chief: Fruits are medium in size, juicy, delicious and aromatic. Fruits are very large, with an average diameter of 80 mm, 235 gr. weighs. The tree grows weakly, upright. Spur is a variety. Its pollinators are Golden Delicious and it is harvested at the end of September.
Starkrimson Delicious: Its tree is of medium strength, it grows semi-upright and vertically, it is very productive. It gathers in mid-September. Planting spacing can be 5x3 m, 6x3 m or at most 5x4 m, depending on the strength of the soil when seed rootstock is used. It is recommended for all regions where apple is grown.
Starkspur Golden Delicious: The tree is semi-dwarf, upright, slightly open and very productive. The fruit is large, golden yellow in color, well shaped and very good quality. It meets in the second week of September. Planting spacing can be 5x3 m, 6x3 m or at most 5x4 m, depending on the strength of the soil when seed rootstock is used. Fruits can be stored in cold storage until March. It is recommended for all regions where apple is grown.
Granny Smith: Fruits are medium-sized. Although it is green in color, there is a flame-colored cheek in areas with abundant sun. It grows strong and upright. It is self-efficient. It is harvested at the end of October. Rootstocks are M9, M26, M7, MM106. Its fruits can be stored for 9 months in cold storages under suitable conditions.
As with all fruit types, since apple cultivation is an investment that will take many years, soil analysis must be done before setting up a garden. In places where ground water is high, in heavy (clayey) soils that hold water, drainage problem should be solved before planting. It would be appropriate to process the place where the garden will be established deeply once before planting and once or twice afterwards. For planting an apple instead of a stripped apple, at least 2 years should pass. Because it is necessary to consider the phenomenon called soil fatigue.
Apple varieties cannot be fertilized with their own flower powders. They usually need pollen from another pollinating variety. The ratio of the fertilizer variety to the main variety should be 10-15%. According to this ratio, each hundred saplings should consist of 10-15 of the fertilizer variety and 85-90 of the main variety in planting. Fertilizer varieties should be no more than 12-15 meters from the parent variety. Bees do 90% of foreign fertilization in apples. Therefore, honey bees, which play an important role in pollination, should be placed in 1 hive per 4 decares for young gardens.
Apple saplings can be planted from autumn (following the leaf fall) to the beginning of physiological activity in the trees (spring) in regions with warm winter and not rainy. Spring planting should be preferred in regions with cold or rainy winters. While establishing an apple orchard, one-year-old saplings with a certificate should be preferred. Taken seedlings should be planted in their places immediately. When planting, pruning should be done, the grafting point should be at least 10 cm above the soil surface, deep planting should be strongly avoided.
Soil Processing
There are different opinions on whether or not the garden soil should be plowed. It is a fact that soil cultivation breaks down the root and fringe systems of apple trees, which are especially surface rooted. In the Western world, tillage is generally not done in apple orchards. The area under the crown projection of the tree is mulched and the other parts are kept under the permanent meadow. However, the climatic conditions of Europe are quite different from the climatic conditions of our country. Due to the frequent rains there, the water needs of the gardens are met and these permanent meadows preserve their greenness and at the same time preserve the softness of the soil.
In our country, in regions outside the Black Sea Region, spring and especially summer conditions are dry. The irrigation techniques applied are not suitable for growing permanent meadows. Therefore, unrivaled weeds invade the garden. Depending on the soil structure, the soil hardens and the hairy roots remain airless. In such gardens, development stops or regresses. Therefore, we should not be against plowing in apple orchards. However, deep processing should not be done with a plow, and a shallow processing at a depth that will not break the root system is sufficient.
The amount of water to be given to the gardens varies according to the total amount of annual rainfall, the distribution of this precipitation, the severity of water loss from the plant, the size of the tree and the type of soil. Since apple trees have a fringed root system, they require more water than other fruits and like high humidity. The most important irrigation time for apple trees is summer irrigation. Because the earlier you start summer irrigation in dry times, the more fruit set increases, and it also helps to increase the yield and quality. Summer irrigation starts in May depending on rainfall and continues throughout the summer.
The most important issue in irrigation is to determine the irrigation time well. The most practical method for this is to control the soil manually. The most suitable irrigation method is the drip irrigation system. In drip irrigation, part of the area where the roots are kept constantly moist.
Another important point in apple cultivation is the correct and balanced fertilization in order to obtain high yield and quality products. The amount of fertilizer to be given to apple orchards; It depends on the method of tillage, the character of the soil, the growth power of the tree, its age, and the amount of product taken. It is best to determine the amount of fertilizer to be given by soil and leaf analysis.
Before planting seedlings in apple orchards, a basic fertilization should be done, and after planting, the garden should be fertilized every year according to the results of the analysis. Nitrogenous fertilizers increase fruit quality and yield and reduce fruit fall. The only point to note is that the nitrogenous fertilizers given are used up before the apples are ripe. Phosphorus ensures good flower attachment and fruit bearing of the tree.
Potassium encourages flowering, decreases periodicity (yes-no), increases fruit size, flavor and texture, extends the storage period. 100-250 grams per tree before the buds burst in the spring period. Ammonium sulphate or ammonium nitrate, in the autumn period, when entering the winter, to a depth of 10 cm, 150-350 grams per tree. DAP applications are recommended.
Pruning is very important in apples. Because the "training system" to be applied varies according to the strength of the rootstock and variety of an apple tree. Accordingly, there are 3 important training systems in apples in general.
Modified Leader (Different Peak Branch) Training System
This training system is applied in apple orchards formed by grafting "strongly growing standard varieties" to "semi-dwarf and strong" rootstocks. Saplings to be used to establish apple gardens are subject to shape pruning from the end of that year after planting. Modified leader system is formed for apples in the first 5 years. The points to be considered in crowning the sapling are as follows:
- During planting, the top (leader) branch is not touched in the first 5 years of the sapling cut at 80-120 cm from the root collar.
- The shoots on the trunk up to 40 cm above the soil level are removed from the bottom and thrown.
- Except for the leader branch, 4 branches are selected on the main body that are not overlapping each other and are scattered all around. Branches other than these are removed from the bottom. The vertical distance between the selected main branches is 15-20 cm.
The second year is shortened by 1/3 of the length of that year out of 4 selected roof branches (excluding the Leader). Secondary side branches are selected on each roof branch, and these are shortened according to the growth of the tree. The same method is followed in the third, fourth and fifth years. The branches are cut according to the development of the tree. In short, starting from the second year, each major branch is handled as if it were a single sapling, and the branches in the second and the third and fourth rows are formed on them in the following years.
Pruning and Training System in Semi-Dwarf (Spur Type) Apples
In order to give such a dressing to spur type apple varieties such as Starkrimson Delicious and Starkspur Golden Delicious, whose cultivation is rapidly increasing in our country, it is necessary to follow the following order in pruning;
The top of an old sapling that is preferably used in planting pruning is cut from the soil 70-80cm
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